Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Paani Jeevan Project - for Thirsty Birds & Animals

Paani Jeevan Project - for Thirsty Birds & Animals

Every Summer, Thousands of stray animals on the city’s streets succumb from the heat and lack of access to clean drinking water-many animals die due to dehydration and diseases caused by polluted water that they drink from gutters – Under this project we make arrangements for clean drinking water for Birds & Animals.

With the mercury rising, it's time to slather on the sunscreen and make sure you are well-hydrated. But, every summer, thousands of stray animals on the city's streets succumb from the heat and lack of access to clean drinking water. And that's the reason why a group of animal lovers of Ghaziabad under the inspiration and guidance of Acharya Tarun has come up with PAANI JEEVAN PROJECT- for Thirsty Birds & Animals

Every Summer, Thousands of stray animals on the city’s streets succumb from the heat and lack of access to clean drinking water-many animals die due to dehydration and diseases caused by polluted water that they drink from gutters – Under this project we make arrangements for clean drinking water for Birds & Animals.

A Press conference was called on 8 April and Big size water cemented container with a capacity of 70 Liters was planted near Nashirpur Railway Crossing for Stray animals & Cemented Containers were distributed to RWA representatives.

Modus of Operandi

· We provide FREE cement bowl to individuals/animal lovers which they can place close to their home,office,gali etc and fill it with fresh clean water once every day. They just have to keep the bowl clean and filled with water." Each bowl will contain about three litres of water.

· Also with the help/support from RWA’s,Vyapar Mandals,Schools etc we put big water Containers for animals on roads etc.

While each volunteer will be the co-ordinator of the place where the bowl has been placed, there will also be an area co-ordinator. "Area co-ordinators will get in touch with others every month to see what help they need or if the bowl needs to be replaced.

The bowls will help alleviate the suffering of not just stray animals but also birds, says Sonia Gupta , secretary, we will see if there any practical problems and try to solve them so the project is in full swing when summer sets in.

For the PAANI JEEVAN PROJECT we have received Support from Ghaziabad Citizen Forum, Col Tejinder Pal Tyagi President RWA Federation of Ghaziabad,Sh Ajay Kr Agarwal President RWA Rajnagar,Sureshwar das ISCKON,S.Mukherjee Secretary CIHD, Priyanka Founder Helping Hearts for Children in need,Animal Lovers,PFA,Ghaziabad Administration & Social workers , NGO’s ,Individuals & all concerned Citizens of Ghaziabad .


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