1st January celebrated as Cloth Day
While the rest of the Ghaziabad, like elsewhere, would be busy uncorking the champagne and partying the night away on New Year's eve, the PRERNA Ek Pahal Ek Aasha team would be driving down the streets, distributing woollens and warmth to pavement dwellers until the next morning.
New Year's Eve, observed as “Cloth Day” by Prerna, is one of the latest initiative.The Cloth Day is an extension of what we do on New Year's Eve, and indeed throughout the winter- of driving to random places and distributing clothes to the needy.
But in order to get the public involved and sensitise them to helping the needy, we have decided to celeberate 1st January as Cloth Day. On which we ask people to donate at least one piece of cloth which will go on to give warmth to an unknown person shivering in the cold, in some corner of the country.
What we are simply saying is that donate at least one piece of cloth and start your New Year on a different note... on a more noble note, by clothing a poor person on the road, in an urban slum or in a village.
We urge you to be a part of “Cloth Day” by organizing a collection camp to collect Clothes , School related material,eatables etc by motivating others / helping us to distribute clothing to needy ones .
We distributed clothing to 2009 pavement / Slum dwellers on Cloth Day .
For more details please speak to Mr. Tarun Gupta at 9891069636 ,0120 – 2821338 / 2826025.
Happy New year 2009
Happy New year 2009
Where international people send their clothes to donate?
Boundaries does not matter,Intl peoples can send clothes,shoes,utensils etc to us
through cargo etc
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